Photo: Cindy Underwood |
Swallowtail butterflies have tail-like appendages on their hind wings, also referred to as tail-streamers. Not all species in this family have these tails. You may see many where tails on wings are gone. These tails tear off easily and often happens due to a predators attack.
Around the world there are about 600 of these species, with a little less than 40 that inhabit North America. They are known for their large size.
Another rare feature to only the caterpillars of this Papilionidae family is that they have a forked organ behind their head called Osmeterium. This Y-shaped organ will swell and push itself out then emit a pungent chemical when it is feeling threatened by predators. The butterfly host plants page has a video showing the gardener a neat trick to expose the osmeteria.
Another interesting note regarding this family of butterfly species: Because of the larger size, most Papilionidae beat their wings relatively slowly at about 4-5 times a second. Other butterfly families beat their wings anywhere from 5-12 times a second.
Below are some more common types:
Other butterflies you may have heard of in this family are the Polydamas, Pipevine, Great Yellow Mormon, Giant, Jamaican Giant, Oregon, Orchard, Schaus, Scarlet, Spicebush, Citrus, Ulysses, Zebra and Two-tailed.
The word papilio is Latin and the French equivalent is papillon.
Both mean butterfly.
Cairns Birdwing Butterfly Birdwings are found throughout India, Southeast Asia and Australia. |
Below is the Golden Birdwing (Troides aeacus)
Photo: Nutthawit Wiangya |
Having a wingspan of approximately 6 inches (15 centimeters),
butterfly is found in Southeast Asia on down throughout Australia.
Also referred to as 'Common Yellow Swallowtail' because
Giant Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio cresphontes) is found in various parts of North and South America.
Lemon Swallowtail
Papilio demoleus is found Europe, Asia, Africa, Central America and Caribbean. This butterfly is one of the exceptions where there are no tail-like appendages and it's shape is more of a Brushfooted butterfly. Coloring, however, definitely is that of a Swallotail. FYI: Picture on top of Brushfooted Butterfly page is of a true Citrus Swallowtail.
Zerynthia polyzena or Southern Festoon Butterfly. Wings average 2.5 inches (6 centimeters).
Also known as Laurel Swallowtail because of chosen host plants. This butterfly is found in North America along the southern border states. |
Emerald Peacock (Papilio palinurus) also known as Banded Peacock Butterfly.
Just as we are fascinated with the Blue Morpho Butterfly wings (see picture), the Emerald Peacock has the same setae structure regarding their butterfly colors, only base colors are yellow and blue.
Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly (Battus philenor)
also called the Blue Swallowtail.
Photo: Phase4Photography |
Like the Monarch Butterfly, this papilionidae as caterpillars
feed on poisonous host plants making them fowl tasting to
predators both as larvae and adults. Pipevine's can be found
in mountains and forest areas of North and Central America.
Australian Orchard Swallowtail
Papilio memnon or the Great Mormon Papilio memnon.
Photo: Matee Nuserm |
Averaging a 5 inch wingspan (13 centimeters), this butterfly
is found in Southern Asia down through Australia.
Both the Great and Common Mormon have
host plants in Rutaceae family, the Common is more diverse.
Papilio polytes or Common Mormon Found throughout Asia, female's of this species are known for applying different forms of mimicry.
Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly (Eurytides marcellus)
Found in North America, this long-tailed butterfly
wingspan averages just under 4 inches (10 centimeters).
Photo: Brandi Pierce |
Because of it's host plants, Zebra is also called the Pawpaw Butterfly. It's highly unlikely you'll see these in your butterfly garden as
their trap lining is more wooded areas.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - male |
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Photo: William Perry |
Eastern Tiger Swallowtails (Papilio glaucus) are native to North America. These strong fliers are very common throughout the eastern part of the country and have a variety of host plants.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly - female |
While males are only yellow there are
two morphed forms of the female - yellow and bluish-black.
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Jan 14, 17 08:14 PM
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